
How to Keep Your Mattress Clean and Fresh Between Professional Cleanings

Published September 17th, 2024 by Local Cleaning Services

Credit: lifeforstock on Pexels

Your mattress is where you spend about a third of your life, so keeping it clean is crucial for your health and comfort. While professional cleaning by Local Cleaning Services is essential, there are steps you can take between cleanings to maintain a fresh and hygienic sleeping environment.

Why Mattress Maintenance Matters

In Los Angeles's warm climate, mattresses can quickly become breeding grounds for dust mites, bacteria, and allergens. Regular maintenance can:

  • Extend the life of your mattress
  • Improve your sleep quality
  • Reduce allergies and respiratory issues
  • Prevent unpleasant odors
  • Maintain a healthier sleeping environment

Weekly Mattress Care Routine

Implement these simple steps every week to keep your mattress in top condition:

1. Vacuum Regularly

Use your vacuum's upholstery attachment to remove dust, dead skin cells, and other particles from your mattress surface. Pay extra attention to seams and crevices where debris can accumulate.

2. Air Out Your Mattress

Strip your bed and let your mattress air out for a few hours. Los Angeles's sunny weather is perfect for this - open your windows to let fresh air circulate.

3. Rotate Your Mattress

Rotate your mattress 180 degrees every week to ensure even wear and prevent sagging.

Monthly Mattress Maintenance

Once a month, give your mattress some extra attention:

1. Spot Clean Stains

For fresh stains, blot (don't rub) with a clean, damp cloth. For tougher stains, use a mild detergent solution, but be careful not to oversaturate the mattress.

2. Deodorize Naturally

Sprinkle baking soda over your mattress, let it sit for a few hours, then vacuum thoroughly. This natural deodorizer works wonders in LA's humid climate.

3. Check and Clean Your Mattress Protector

If you use a mattress protector (which we highly recommend), wash it monthly according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Seasonal Mattress Care

Every few months, consider these additional steps:

1. Deep Clean with Steam

Use a handheld steam cleaner to kill dust mites and bacteria. Be sure to let the mattress dry completely before making the bed.

2. Sun Exposure

If possible, give your mattress some direct sunlight. Los Angeles' abundant sunshine is a natural disinfectant and can help eliminate odors.

3. Flip Your Mattress

If your mattress is double-sided, flip it over. This helps distribute wear evenly.

Preventing Mattress Issues

Take these preventive measures to keep your mattress clean:

  • Use a high-quality mattress protector - A good mattress protector keeps your mattress clean. It stops spills, sweat, dust mites, and allergens from getting in. This helps your mattress last longer and makes for better sleep.
  • Shower before bed to reduce oil and dead skin cells - Taking a shower before bed helps you relax and keeps your mattress cleaner. It washes away oil, dirt, and dead skin that could end up on your mattress. This simple step can make your bedroom healthier for sleeping.
  • Keep pets off the bed - We love our pets, but keeping them off the bed helps keep your mattress clean. 
  • Avoid eating or drinking in bed - Eating or drinking in bed can lead to spills and crumbs. These can attract bugs and leave stains. By eating elsewhere, you're keeping your mattress cleaner and your bedroom more comfortable.
  • Change and wash bedding weekly - Washing your sheets, pillowcases, and duvet covers every week is important for a clean mattress. This helps remove sweat, oils, and allergens that build up. Use hot water to kill dust mites and germs, leaving your mattress fresher and cleaner.

When to Call the Professionals

While these tips help maintain your mattress, professional cleaning is still necessary. Local Cleaning Services recommends professional mattress cleaning at least once a year, or more frequently for allergy sufferers or homes with pets.

Our professional cleaning service uses specialized equipment and eco-friendly products to deep clean your mattress, removing allergens, dust mites, and stubborn stains that home cleaning can't tackle.

Ready to give your mattress the deep clean it deserves? Contact Local Cleaning Services today at 866-340-0898 to schedule your professional mattress cleaning appointment.

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